MSc Thesis – The Design Space of Interactive Pose Tracking as an In-Action Training Tool for Climbing

Climbing is a rapidly growing and evolving discipline, for which there is room for interactive technology-based interventions. Mapping out existing work reveals opportunities for motion-tracking technologies, but also a trend towards engagement focussed or out-of-action solutions, leaving a gap for in-action training tools to explore. Using a participatory, possibility-driven ideation process, design spaces for problems, […]

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Dutch Design Week Demonstrator – BlueGreen Roofs VR

Blue-Green roofs (BGR), which combine traditional Green roofs with water management systems, have the potential to provide a range of benefits, including improved stormwater management, reduced urban heat island effect, and enhanced biodiversity. However, the implementation of BGR can be costly and complex, particularly when retrofitting existing buildings. This project aims to develop a modular

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Publication – SpiroPlay

After working as lead developer for the SpiroPlay collaboration for more than a year, the results of extensive research by many of its members is published in a concise research paper. The abstract is as follows; We have built and implemented a set of metaphors for breathing games by involving children and experts. These games

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Research – Bachelor Thesis

In the concluding half-year of my bachelor study Creative Technology, I challenged myself to a new topic, rowing, with the research question “How can Virtual Reality improve the current state of indoor rowing?”. I applied my skills in game development, human-computer interaction, and Virtual Reality in the creation of a prototype which stimulates rowers to

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