Startup – PlaygroundVR

PlaygroundVR is the virtual playground for children in hospitals, a place where they can play and socialize while stuck in bed. I have been a Co-Owner and the Lead Developer for PlaygroundVR since December 2018, up to 2022 With a talented team of five people, we design and build the virtual playground, and bring it […]

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Dutch Design Week Demonstrator – BlueGreen Roofs VR

Blue-Green roofs (BGR), which combine traditional Green roofs with water management systems, have the potential to provide a range of benefits, including improved stormwater management, reduced urban heat island effect, and enhanced biodiversity. However, the implementation of BGR can be costly and complex, particularly when retrofitting existing buildings. This project aims to develop a modular

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Spain Civil Protection Website: ES-Alert Catalog

While working for One2Many-Everbridge, I took on an assignment from the official Spain Government’s Civil Protection Department, ProteccionCivil. Their goal: A web platform for citizens to view all active and past Emergency messages, ES-Alerts. This catalog should be able to receive, store, and classify alerts online, and make the data visible and insightful for its

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Gamified Healthy Eating for Children – ACHIEVE

ACHIEVE interactieve installatie voor kinderen, gedemonstreerd in Jumbo Leussink. Kinderen (en hun ouders) kunnen met deze winkelwagentjes ingrediënten voor een recept verzamelen en zo spelenderwijs wat leren over de invloed van voedselkeuzes op gezondheid en milieu. Alle kinderen in de leeftijdscategorie 3-7 jaar kunnen aan deze test meedoen. In ruil voor de deelname mogen ze

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AI & Product Design – EU-funded Emergency Chatbot

What started as a Machine Learning internship at Everbridge, turned out as a longer term employed project, where I worked with PROJECT ENGAGE to apply AI toward societal resilience. Over the course of a year, I created a concept and designed and developed prototype of a chatbot for active disasters, integrated into One2Many-Everbridge’s Public Warning

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Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing – Wappie Wartaal

For the course Natural Language Processing, my partner Lotte Lukassen and I wrote a short paper on building a Twitter bot, which aims to mimic ‘Wappies’. A wappie is a dutch term for people spreading misinformation on Covid-19 and vaccinations, often through social media. By automatically collecting and analyzing a database of tweets using Python,

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