Startup – PlaygroundVR

PlaygroundVR is the virtual playground for children in hospitals, a place where they can play and socialize while stuck in bed. I have been a Co-Owner and the Lead Developer for PlaygroundVR since December 2018, up to 2022 With a talented team of five people, we design and build the virtual playground, and bring it

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Dutch Design Week Demonstrator – BlueGreen Roofs VR

Blue-Green roofs (BGR), which combine traditional Green roofs with water management systems, have the potential to provide a range of benefits, including improved stormwater management, reduced urban heat island effect, and enhanced biodiversity. However, the implementation of BGR can be costly and complex, particularly when retrofitting existing buildings. This project aims to develop a modular

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Gamified Healthy Eating for Children – ACHIEVE

ACHIEVE interactieve installatie voor kinderen, gedemonstreerd in Jumbo Leussink. Kinderen (en hun ouders) kunnen met deze winkelwagentjes ingrediënten voor een recept verzamelen en zo spelenderwijs wat leren over de invloed van voedselkeuzes op gezondheid en milieu. Alle kinderen in de leeftijdscategorie 3-7 jaar kunnen aan deze test meedoen. In ruil voor de deelname mogen ze

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VR – KLM Catering Training Simulation

KCS is an in-flight catering company, mainly for KLM, which has a factory line to assemble the food trays. The KCS Breakdown stimulator teaches maintenance employees to recognize and solve breakdowns in a virtual version of the factory, without needing to shut down the physical production line. The recreated factory environment in Virtual Reality, allows

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Augmented Reality – Boerenkerkhof AR

This Augmented Reality mobile application, built for the Boerenkerkhof Graveyard in the municipality of Enschede, was built by me, with a team of students from the University of Twente. As lead developer, I was responsible for the Augmented Reality functionality, Programming, Design and publishing. For each animated story within the app, 3D animators were hired.

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